Establishing Common Ground for the Resilient Communities of our Future

A framework for collective land ownership and stewardship.

The Regenerative Community Land Trust model of land tenure weaves together balanced stakeholder governance, ecological design, and appropriate technology into a place-based network of autonomous bioregional communities.

community regenerative agriculture

An innovative funding mechanism for acquiring common land.

The Commons Credit is a whole-systems accounting methodology to properly measure the value of community land in trust - creating a non-extractive investment vehicle with special governance rights.

recommon regenerative village

Amidst systems collapse, resilience will arise from coordination.

We invite you to join this movement to create a distributed network of resilient communities that are healing both people and planet on a bioregional scale. Together we can build a better alternative.

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”

— Wendell Berry